The 7 Tips To Drive Traffic to Your Guest Podcast Episode

The 7 Tips To Drive Traffic to Your Guest Podcast Episode


You’ve researched and found a perfect guest for your guest podcast episode.

You’ve even nailed the interview and produced a tremendous final edit with fantastic production quality.

Therefore, you are ready to drive traffic to your podcast episode, right?


Driving listeners to your new episode can be a challenging task. It is not that easy.

So, here we have listed some of the top 7 tips to drive traffic to your guest podcast episode:

Create relevant and valuable show notes


Show notes are vital in driving listeners to your guest podcast episode.

Show notes are the written transcript of your podcast episode. They are also known as the podcast episode’s web page. Show notes are usually hosted on your website.

Therefore, they are visible to both your website visitors and podcast listeners. You need to create relevant and valuable show notes to drive listeners to your guest podcast episode.

You can include the following things in your show notes:

  • Show title
  • Guest name
  • Topic Overview
  • Show length

You can also add links to your guest’s social media profiles, websites, or any other relevant link. Show notes are essential to driving listeners to your guest podcast episode.

Launch an ad campaign with a guest podcast episode guide


Advertising is one of the best ways to drive listeners to your podcast. You can launch an ad campaign on social media, such as Facebook, Google, and Instagram to get listeners to your guest podcast episode.

You can also launch a short ad campaign on your website to attract listeners.

There are various ad types that you can use to drive listeners to your podcast.

  • Sponsored Posts: This is used to promote a specific podcast episode that you want to drive listeners to.
  • Advertisements in the sidebar of your website: With this ad type, you can drive listeners to a specific podcast episode or your podcast feed.
  • Podcast show host takeover: With this ad type, you can have your podcast show host promote your podcast feed.
  • Podcast listener takeover: With this ad type, you can have an existing podcast listener promote your podcast feed.

Ask your current listeners to listen to the latest episode


You can ask your current listeners to listen to your guest podcast episode. You can ask them to listen to the latest episode and share their views on the episode, which can help you to drive listeners to your podcast episode.

This will help you to drive listeners to your podcast episode. In addition, you may also ask your listeners to share your podcast episode on social media. This can help you to  your podcast episode.

Guest interviewee endorsement on social media


You can request your guest to promote your podcast episode on their social media accounts. You can ask them to share the podcast episode on their social media accounts. The guest podcast episode can be hosted on your website or on a podcast player like Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. This will help you to drive listeners to your podcast episode. This can help your guest to drive listeners to their podcast. This can help them expand their reach or fan base.

Cross-promotion with other podcasts in your network


You can approach other podcasters in your network to cross-promote your guest podcast episode. You can ask them if they can promote your podcast episode on their show.

In return, you can do the same for them as well.

This can help you to drive listeners to your podcast episode. This can help you expand your reach and grow your fan base.

Google AdWords advertising


You can use Google AdWords to drive listeners to your podcast episode, and to target your desired audience.

You can create an ad campaign for your podcast. You can put your podcast feed URL, podcast episode URL, or title of the episode.

This can help you to expand your reach and grow your fan base. This can also help you to increase your podcast downloads or the number of subscribers to your podcast.

Bump up your existing guest podcast episodes with ad placements


You can use ad placements to bump up your existing podcast episodes.

You can add basic ad placements like a short pre-roll ad and a short mid-roll ad.

This can also help you to increase your podcast downloads or subscribers to your podcast. This can help you to increase the revenue generated from your podcast.

A guest podcast episode can be a great way to drive traffic to your podcast. However, you should follow the above tips to guide listeners to your podcast episode.

You can also use these tips to grow your podcast and increase revenue.

In addition, a guest podcast episode can be a great way to network with podcasters in your niche.

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